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The shoulder’s anatomy makes it one of the body’s most versatile structures. Comprised of multiple joints, it helps control the upper arm, rotates in many directions, and facilitates wide-ranging motion. Working together, the shoulder’s bones, muscles, and tendons also enable overhead flexibility and movements such as throwing and waving.
However, the same structures responsible for the shoulder’s capabilities also leave it vulnerable to injury and degeneration. The rotator cuff plays a vital role in shoulder health, but can become torn, irritated, or damaged. Shoulder impingement occurs when the bones of the shoulder rub against the cuff’s soft tissue.
Shoulder movement assists countless everyday activities – from routine moves to high-intensity athletics. Impingement results from irritation to the rotator cuff and bursa, which can develop as the result of injury or aging. Swimmers, baseball players, and other athletes prone to repetitive overhead motion may be at greater risk for developing impingement and other shoulder problems. Swelling, pain, and stiffness associated with the condition are also experienced with greater frequency by painters and others regularly working overhead.
To function as it should, the shoulder relies on the rotator cuff to hold the upper arm bone in position, drawing it into the shoulder blade’s socket. During certain movements, the space narrows between the shoulder’s upper bone (acromion) and the rotator cuff tendon. As the arm is raised to shoulder height, the tendon can become impinged and irritated. The bursa, a small lubricating sac positioned between the rotator cuff and acromion, may also become involved, fueling further pain and irritation. The complaint is common among active, aging individuals.
Wide-ranging symptoms may indicate shoulder impingement, including:
If you are suffering from shoulder pain, seek treatment for shoulder impingement at Fox Valley Orthopedics. Call us at (855) FVORTHO | (855) 386-7846.
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