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The shoulder’s muscles, bones, and tendons facilitate flexibility and a wide range of motion. Unfortunately, this also leaves shoulder joints susceptible to various types of injury – including dislocation. Shoulder dislocation occurs when the rounded head of the upper arm bone (humerus) is partially or completely out of its socket.
Shoulder dislocation can occur suddenly, without warning, resulting from a sports injury or another similar event. Complete and partial dislocations share common symptoms, both causing pain and instability in the shoulder. Because the shoulder joint turns in many directions, it can also dislocate in various ways: forward, downward, or backward. When the shoulder joint experiences anterior instability, for example, the humerus moves forward and down out of its joint.
Dislocation throws the structure of the shoulder out of alignment, so pain manifests in several distinct ways. Acute pain, resulting from the bone being out of the socket, typically relieves once the joint is restored, but ongoing discomfort is common – particularly when dislocation occurs more than once. Musculature surrounding the shoulder may spasm as a result of the injury. Tendons and nerves may also sustain tears and other damage following a significant shoulder dislocation.
Proper shoulder functioning relies on the rotator cuff to position the ball of the humerus correctly, enabling it to turn freely where it joins the shoulder blade (scapula). Dislocation interrupts this joint, causing pain and further complications. Subluxation refers to partial dislocation, but the upper arm bone can also be completely dislocated.
Recurring dislocation – among athletes, for instance – increases damage to the surrounding structure. Therapy and bracing may help rehabilitation following a pattern of dislocation, and surgery is sometimes recommended to repair ligaments damaged by shoulder dislocation.
Shoulder dislocation may lead to the following symptoms:
If you have dislocated your shoulder, seek treatment at Fox Valley Orthopedics. Call (855) FVORTHO | (855) 386-7846 now.
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