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Spondylosis is a general term describing degeneration of the spine. More of a descriptive term than a clinical diagnosis, it is widely used to explain various spinal conditions. In itself, the designation doesn’t identify the source of lower back pain, instead indicating the presence of degenerative changes, which may result in painful nerve impingement and other symptoms. Many cases of degenerative disk disease or lumbar spondylosis are in fact asymptomatic, but the age-related condition typically worsens over time, increasing the chance of developing symptoms.
Lumbar spondylosis is not a single disease or disorder, but rather refers generally to pain and degeneration in the lower back.
Spondylosis symptoms may be related to the following conditions:
In many cases, spondylosis pain is more severe in the morning, gradually subsiding as the back warms up and becomes lubricated.
Several spine disorders are associated with degenerative disk disease or lumbar spondylosis, sometimes causing back pain. For example, the term commonly refers to the presence of osteoarthritis in the spine, which can be aggravated by intensive physical activity or long periods of inactivity. As the cartilage protecting facet joints in the lower back breaks down, the lumbar spine can grow stiff and arthritis symptoms may appear. This common cause of spondylosis is not the only way the condition manifests in the lower back.
Like other chronic, progressive back conditions, causes of lumbar spondylosis are most often linked to age related changes. Injury and overuse can also contribute to the development of painful lower back problems or accelerate the onset of lumbar spondylosis. When present in young people, the underlying cause of spondylosis is more likely to be related to sports or contact injuries.
Depending upon its root cause, the following symptoms may appear as a result of lumbar spondylosis:
If you are experiencing back pain, call (855) FVORTHO | (855) 386-7846 today for an appointment at Fox Valley Orthopedics.
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