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The bones of the spinal column (vertebrae) absorb substantial force. To soften the impact and cushion contact between the bones, the building blocks of the column are separated by resilient, rubbery, intervertebral discs. Normally, the structure withstands significant forces, without incident, but compression fractures occur under certain circumstances. Osteoporosis, trauma, and other pathological causes may each play a role in a compression fracture.
Vertebral compression fracture comes about when an individual vertebra is squeezed, causing it to crack and/or break under pressure.
Like other broken bones, the customary cause of compression fractures is trauma to the affected area. In cases where pre-existing conditions do not play a role, considerable force is required to fracture vertebra. A compression fracture may result from:
Elderly individuals experience fractures due to bone deterioration when small cracks develop in individual vertebra. The weakened bones eventually collapse, resulting in compression fractures. Women, particularly those who have undergone menopause, suffer from bone density loss, called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a primary cause of compression fractures among those with pre-existing disease. Increased risk factors for developing osteoporosis include:
Additional pathological causes of compression fracture are also tied to reduced bone strength. Cancer, whether originating in bones or metastasizing from another part of the body, can lead to compression fractures.
It is also important to note that men can also develop osteoporosis - it is not exclusive to women.
Compression fractures cause various symptoms, including these common complaints:
When nerve compression is present, a compression fracture may also lead to the following symptoms:
If the fracture presses directly on the spinal cord or multiple compression fractures are present, sufferers may experience:
We recommend talking to your orthopedic specialist or primary care physician about your bone health and prevention
Contact us online or call (855) FVORTHO | (855) 386-7846 to schedule an appointment.
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