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The Importance of Regular Stretching for Office Workers

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The Importance of Regular Stretching for Office Workers

While many jobs have potential work-associated injuries, like heavy manufacturing or construction, office work poses its own health hazards. The human body just wasn’t intended to sit in the same position for 8+ hours a day every day. The lack of position variation can lead to back pain, stress, headaches, and muscle tension. Research shows that poor posture can also cause or worsen musculoskeletal disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome.

But what can you do when your desk job demands you stay in one position and perform repetitive motions every day? Frequent stretching can help.

The Benefits of “Deskersize”

Sitting all day can cause all sorts of chronic health problems like obesity, carpal tunnel syndrome, and fatigue. Not only that, but the perpetual fatigue can lead to lower productivity levels at work so you won’t get as much done as you could, otherwise. By incorporating stretching into your workday, you significantly reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and joint pain.

By frequent routine stretching, you can:

  • Boost energy by keeping blood and nutrients flowing through the body’s muscles and tissues
  • Improve flexibility and leave your muscles more limber while preventing muscle strain injuries
  • Have better posture by allowing the muscles to realign, which reduces back pain and stress
  • Stimulate the formation of joint-lubricating fluid that can reduce pain and stiffness, which significantly reduces the risk of developing osteoarthritis
  • Be more productive and feel refreshed
  • Relieve mental stress and be more productive

Ways to Get Moving During the Workday

Even short periods of physical activity can improve your mood. You may benefit not only from stretching but by standing up at your desk (you can either have a sit/stand desk or buy a laptop elevator so you can stand at your regular desk), taking a walk over your lunch break, and standing up from your seat every hour for a few minutes. Ask your boss or human resources department for an ergonomic desk setup if you don’t already have one. You can also download apps like StretchClock, which reminds you every hour to get up and move around, as well as no-sweat “deskercize” videos.

Contact Fox Valley Orthopedics for a Consultation

If you’re having joint pain or other body discomfort in your muscles, tendons, or ligaments, our team can help. To get in touch with Fox Valley Orthopedics, please call (630) 584-1400 today.